How to Prevent Banana Pudding from Turning Brown

How to Prevent Banana Pudding from Turning Brown

Banana pudding is a dessert that everybody loves to eat. No matter who they are. The unique banana flavor with creamy texture gives immense pleasure to eat.  But sometimes bananas turn their color to brown which spoils the look of this delicious dessert.

At the same time it can also affect the taste of this desert and obviously it will spoil all the hard work that you have put into making it. 

I have been there so many times so I am here to help you guys avoid this problem whenever you make this dessert at your home. 

In this post, I will share everything you need to know to prevent bananas from turning to brown. I will also explain the science behind this so that you can actually get the idea behind this phenomenon. After reading this post your bananas will never change their color

Why Bananas Turn Brown in Pudding

brown banana on pudding

Let’s answer this question: why do bananas turn brown in the first place? Well if you have studied about the process of oxidation then you might know the reason.

When you slice bananas, enzymes present in the bananas react with the oxygen in the air, resulting in the change in color of bananas.

This process is totally natural and you might have noticed not only bananas but other fruits like apples also change to brown.

The only difference is that bananas have higher levels of enzymes which helps them to quickly change color to brown compared to other fruits.

This process is not only responsible for this phenomenon. Moisture and temperature also helps to turn them brown. Bananas absorb moisture from the environment.

During pudding where moisture levels are high, this absorption increases the phenomenon of changing color to brown.

Well you don’t need to panic about these factors affecting your bananas in the desert. With a few simple and easy tricks you can easily slow down the process and you can keep your dessert fresh.

Tips and Techniques to Prevent Browning

Choosing the Right Bananas

Choosing the right bananas are extremely important to keep it fresh and avoid turning it to brown. Not all bananas are the same when it comes to quality and freshness.

You have to always choose fresh bananas/ make sure to pick bananas that are just ripe – yellow with less brown spots.

The appearance of bananas will tell you whether it’s fresh or not. If you see lots of brown spots in bananas then it means they are not fresh and you need to avoid them .

Here is the tip for you to select the best ones: look for bananas with slight green tint at the stems. These bananas are considered to be at their peak ripeness for pudding. They are so sweet that they can complement other ingredients.

Properly Preparing Bananas

How you cut down bananas into pieces can make a huge difference in preventing browning. Make sure to not slice bananas too thin that can expose more surface area to air resulting in increasing the oxidation process.

I always recommend slicing your bananas about ¼ inch thick. This thickness is absolutely perfect for getting the best banana flavor in every bite.

Effective Layering in the Pudding

From my point of view, layering is also an important factor to keep in mind to keep your bananas fresh and avoid color changing issues.

Make sure the pudding mixture that you have made is cooled slightly before adding your banana slices. Adding slices while the pudding is hot can turn your bananas into brown easily

In order to solve this issue, you can try layering the bananas between the pudding and whipped cream. This will help to protect the bananas from air.

Another option is to add a thin layer of pudding over the bananas before adding the next layer of fruit. This creates a seal that helps to lock in moisture and keep the bananas from browning.

Storage and Serving

Once you assemble the banana pudding, you have to store it properly to avoid browning of bananas. The important part is to reduce air exposure as much as you can.

You can use an airtight container. If you don’t have one, you can also use a plastic wrapper to wrap the pudding. Just make sure that air should not be able to enter the pudding.

Bananas change their color at high temperatures. That means if you lower the temperature then it will slow down the process. And for that we have a refrigerator.

You can use a refrigerator to cool the temperature so make sure to always store your dessert in a cool place like refrigerator. 

Typically people serve this dish within a few hours. You can do so as well. Try to serve the pudding within a few hours after you make it. If you’re preparing it in advance, try to do so no more than 24 hours before serving.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

There are lots of myths when it comes to keeping your bananas fresh to avoid browning.

Myth 1: Bananas Can’t Stay Fresh in Pudding

I think this is totally a misconception among people. It’s true that bananas are prone to browning, it’s not difficult to keep them fresh in pudding.

If you use right techniques as discussed earlier you can easily keep bananas fresh

Myth 2: Browning is Inevitable and Unavoidable

We know that browning is totally  a natural process. But that doesn’t mean that  we cant avoid that.

If you will choose the right preparation and storage techniques you can easily slow down the browning process. It’s all about the factors that contribute to changing the color of bananas that you already know. 

Alternative Ingredients and Methods

Using Banana Extract or Flavoring

Banana Extract

Well if you want to avoid this issue at any cost you can consider using banana extract or flavor. I personally do not recommend using flavor instead of fresh original  bananas.

This can be a great option for some of you if you don’t find any fresh bananas in your area but you have to make this recipe at any cost.

Or it can be a great option if you are short on time. Banana extract also gives you classic banana flavor without using original bananas.

Exploring Different Banana Pudding Recipes

If you are a die heart fan of banana pudding and you don’t want brown bananas at all, there are plenty of different recipes you can try. One of them is a no-bake version.

They are quick and easy and require less ingredients compared to southern banana pudding recipes.

You can also try cooked banana puddings they typically involve custard base that also helps bananas from oxidation

If you love experimenting with different things in kitchen, you can try combining different types of puddings. 


So there it is guys. A comprehensive guide on how you can prevent bananas from turning their color to brown.

I hope I cover the majority of your concerns regarding this issue. I discussed storage techniques, coatings, and choosing the right bananas for your pudding recipe. 

Make sure to follow the steps mentioned in this article to solve this problem. If you found this article helpful please don’t forget to share it with your friends and colleagues who want to try this awesome delicious recipe at their home.

If you have anything to share please don’t hesitate to comment down below. I will be happy to hear from you. For more tips on making the perfect banana pudding, check out our related articles.

Naveed (Author)

Hello this is Naveed – the creator of and a passionate dessert lover. Specializing in banana pudding, I share easy, creative recipes that put a fresh spin on this classic dessert. With a strong love for food and careful research, I make sure my recipes are both delicious and reliable. When not in the kitchen, I enjoy connecting with readers and keeping up with the latest dessert trends.

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